Advisory Board

Our advisory board meets twice yearly to discuss the issues facing East Timor and to review progress of funded projects and funding requests.


Nigel stewart

Nigel Stewart is a cousin of Andrew McNaughtan and together with cousins, Don McNaughtan, James Stanger, Mary Hicks, Jennifer Corbett and Alison Lisle, was one of the founding contributors to the Andrew McNaughtan Foundation. The Stewart family have made generous contributions to the foundation over the years and Nigel has visited East Timor to understand the issues and see the progress of funded projects first hand.

Don McN.jpg

don mcnaughtan

Don McNaughtan is a cousin of Andrew McNaughtan and together with cousins, Nigel Stewart, James Stanger, Mary Hicks, Jennifer Corbett and Alison Lisle, was one of the founding contributors to the Andrew McNaughtan Foundation. Don has been a committed and active member of the foundation and maintains an active interest in the political situation and ongoing projects of East Timor.


Dr kirsty sword-gusmao AO

Dr Kirsty Sword Gusmao AO has been a member of the Advisory Board since 2006. Kirsty is Former First Lady of Timor-Leste, Founder of the Alola Foundation and Goodwill Ambassador for Education.



Mary Waterford AM joined the Advisory Board in 2018 and has had a long term commitment to Timor, particularly to women’s leadership & capacity building. Mary is a founding member of Blue Mountains East Timor Sisters (est 2004), BM Hatobuilico Friendship Committee & Chair of Blue Mountains Together for Timor.


With special thanks to Sister Josephine Mitchell (Mary McKillop East Timor Mission) and Jude Conway (Hunter East Timor Sisters) for their generous contribution to the advisory board.